Do you love to write? We would love to have you write for Gothic Culture Magazine! We are looking for writers passionate about Gothic Culture on a range of subjects, from music, to fashion, to the life of a goth.
Interested writers should send a sample of their work and which department they would like to write for. [email protected]
All submissions must:
- be uniquely written for Gothic Culture Magazine
- be sent as a .doc or .docx.
- include the author’s first and last name (or pen name)
- include a 2-3 sentence author bio (unless previously sent)
- include an author headshot, separately attached to the email as an image file (unless previously sent)
- include social media links and/or website link
Click here to read our full Gothic Culture Magazine Writers Agreement
How it works
Contributors are not employees of Gothic Culture Magazine and do not receive compensation for submissions. You may choose to pitch articles ideas, or we can provide article ideas to you. We ask that all submissions be proofread and editing for spelling and fact checking before they are submitted. We reserve the right to edit articles. If selected your article may appear in our published magazine or on our website.
Why should I write for Gothic Culture Magazine?
Gothic Culture Magazine provides a large, diverse audience of Goths for you to share your ideas and advice with. All web articles are posted on Facebook, Instagram and our website. You may use your personal social media and website to promote any of your Gothic Culture Magazine articles and to build a fan base and readership within the Gothic Culture Magazine community. All monthly writers are given their own contributor page, which include a bio, photo, and social media links.
How often can I submit?
You may choose to submit one time, or multiple times! We do not hold our writers to a specific number of articles, though we do love when writers contribute on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Writers that contribute monthly will be given authorization to use our name and verification by us at conventions, concerts and other venues requiring press credentials.
Our writing departments include
- Art and Leisure
- Music reviews
- Interviews
- Gothic History and Historic Locations
- Style and Fashion
- Movies & Television
- Books
- Game reviews
- Conventions and Gothic Events
- Concert and Festival Coverage
- Paranormal Investigation
- Witchcraft
- Online contributor of any of the above is also welcome. Please specify if you are submitting for print or web