email your inquiries to [email protected] Images should be sent to this email using www.wetransfer.com please include our release forms with your submission. They can be found here
How To Submit: Full disclosure, we do not give away print or digital copies or pay for submissions, we will however provide tear sheets if requested.
We welcome submissions from photographers, female models, make-up artists and designers under the following guidelines:
1. When you submit please send ONLY high resolution images with no logo – do NOT send screenshots, PDF composites or lo-res images off your phone – All Images should be print ready. Images can be in color or black & white and of a high resolution jpeg format ONLY (no .png or TIFF) – images should be 300dpi with at least 2500px on the longest side and NO LARGER THAN 15MB EACH). IMAGES MUST BE UNPUBLISHED in any other magazine. When you submit please include all credits in the first instance. We suggest you select YOUR best work from one set, about 6 images max 4 at the least, and submit those. Please do NOT submit more than the required amount. We prefer submission to be new work from one session – not a mixture of your favorite images in your portfolio but at this time we will accept. IF YOUR IMAGES ARE ACCEPTED PLEASE DO NOT POST ALL THE ONES THAT ARE INCLUDED IN THE MAGAZINE UNLESS IT IS A SINGLE IMAGE TEAR SHEET TO PROMOTE THE ISSUE AND YOUR INCLUDED SET. We do prefer using www.wetransfer.com
What Happens after you submit ?
We will inform you of our decision by the 5th of the month and if successful we will email you asking for credits and a signed release. (you can save time and send the releases with your submission by downloading them here) If you are NOT the copyright holder (ie the photographer) then you must get permission from them before submitting. We will not accept submissions without signed permission from the photographer and you must be 18 years or older to submit.
2. Images should be in the portrait or vertical format. Horizontal or landscape images may be submitted but only up to two.
1. Are your images in high resolution 300 dpi with no logo?
2. Have you submitted 4-6 of your BEST images and no more?
3. Have you included full credits?
Release Dates & Deadlines
We release the 10th Day of each month. Submissions are due by the 25th of the prior month to be considered for the following months edition. Cover Models are selected several months in advance.